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-- 2002年2月4日分 --
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2002/2/4(Mon) [n]

%4 Samba

本家Sambaで2.2.3release. 以下、WHATSNEW.txtより引用

Changes in 2.2.3

1). Fixed shared library compile for Solaris with native compiler.
2). UNIX CIFS extensions code added (donated by HP).
3). Changed to using NT status codes on the wire if the client can support
4). altname command to show 8.3 name added to smbclient.
5). const-safe endian macros now used.
6). client code now uses UNICODE on the wire.
7). Correctly return fault PDU's on bad handle.
8). Improved NT error code mapping table.
9). Many new point and print RPC calls added.
10). Win9x clients can now see full user list.
11). fileid added to identify simultaneous open files (no longer
use dev/inode/time as unique value).
12). HPUX ACL code added (donated by HP).
13). vfs interfaces updated (again !).
14). MSDOS Code Page 866 -> 1251 mapping added.
15). winbindd now processes quit/hup signals correctly.
16). No tdb traversal done on startup/shutdown - ensures scalability.
17). Fix bug with paths for homes share.
18). Fixed copyfile for OS/2.
19). Fix group membership when groups are on more than one line.
20). Fixed core dumps in posix ACL mapping code.
21). Tidyup of UNICODE functions (put/get).
22). Move rpcclient to the new libsmb code.
23). Add missing Windows 2000 passthough trans2 calls.
24). Return check all tdb calls.
25). Make local name lookup work even if wins server is down.
26). pam session code added to winbind.
27). Added winbindd cache to all lookups.
28). Fix allocate bugs that caused file sizes to be incorrect.
29). Fixed write cache code - now safe to use.
30). Fixed winbindd memory leaks.
31). winbindd will now do name lookups (to allow non Open Source
systems to do the nsswitch WINS lookup). Fixed by SGI.
32). passdb memory leaks fixed.
33). LDAP code updates and now properly maintained.
34). Finally figured out how changeid is meant to work.
35). Downlevel printing now looks as NT does in print monitor window.
36). Many fixups in spoolss printing RPC parsing.
37). Speed up password enumeration as a PDC.
38). Fix printer changed notify messages (work from HP).
39). Fix modify timestamp on close code.
40). Fix long standing mangled names bug.
41). Fix delete on close semantics.
42). Stop opening all files with O_NONBLOCK !
43). Use O_NOFOLLOW for systems that have it and don't want symlinks.
44). Ensure NT suplementary groups get added to user token.
45). Try and mitigate effects of DNS timeout (do less lookups).
46). Added current user connection context stack.
47). Fixes to utmp code.
48). smbw code tidyups.
49). Added tdb open log code. Several tdb fixes.

Older release notes for Samba 2.2.x follow.



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